Project news

INTERNISA in Palestine establishes an offline spot for training women seeking employment

By signing a Memorandum of Cooperation (Moc) with the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce.

Project news

CLUSTER's results for the trainee-oriented catalogue for skills employment are now available

Between June and September 2022, CLUSTER partners organised Regional Focus Groups to discuss the upcoming trainee-oriented catalogue of new …

Project news

MedRiSSE in Italy builds a tool that will help social and solidarity economy actors to replicate co-production models

The Toolkit will help the public and private sectors wishing to replicate public-private co-production models and good practices for the del…

Project news

MYSEA takes part in Terra Madre, global event on fair food in Torino (Italy)

MYSEA project will be presented on Friday 23 September (4:30-5:30 p.m. Space D60 Rome Capitale -Food Policy Pavillon) during "Terra Madre - Salone del Gusto 2022” in Tur…

Project news

The third workshop of the TEC-MED project was a great opportunity for the Italian partner to acquire new knowledge

It is very important for the TEC-MED project to adapt the care model to each Mediterranean country.

Project news

TEC-MED project will raise awareness about aging at the European Researchers' Night in Seville

The TEC-MED project will carry an aging simulator to raise awareness of issues faced by older people.

Project news

YEP MED in Italy will start its second vocational training on port logistics

The training will be 75 hours long and will combine modules and field visits.

Project news

MoreThanAJob sixth newsletter highlights the latest progress for the sub-granted projects to improve labour integration

This issue of MoreThanAJob’s newsletter showcases how sub-granted initiatives are creating social economy and public administration relation…


Project news

CLUSTER is about to launch an e-learning platform!

On 12 June 2022, the CLUSTER consortium met to discuss the e-learning tools and e-platform to be introduced for the trainees who will be part of this social inclusion programme.