Project news

SIRCLES project contributes to promote equality between women and men

In an effort to empower women, the implementing partners of SIRCLES project in the different countries work on ways to promote equality and social inclusion.


Project news


In the first issue you'll discover the Lead Beneficiary: GenCAT - Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de la Vicepresidència i de Polítiques Digitals i Territori.

Project news

The TEC-MED project is looking for a communication technician to work in their care model

This is a selection call for the temporary hiring of technical personnel for the TEC-MED project at the University of Seville.

Project news

MedTOWN project 🌍 Newsletter 📰 #03

See how we are fostering debates on improving social & environmental policies and their impact on local economies

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Italy supports social and labour integration of migrants through its subgrants

The Game – Orientation to the Future, one of the two local initiatives sub-granted by MoreThanAJob in Italy support migrants in Palermo.

Project news

AQUACYCLE meets up with Mohamed Bahri, a farmer who tills the land in North Lebanon

Mohamed share his concerns about the impact of climate change and invites a cost-effective solution to sustain his livelihood

Project news

Social & Solidarity Economy, a preferred partner for local administration in the Mediterranean countries

MedTOWN online ‘International Seminar on Social Innovation and Inclusion’, on 26th January 2022 was attended by more than 200 participants f…

Project news

Project news

MedTOWN in Portugal: a community garden for better social cohesion

Bela Flor Agroforest uses collective intelligence and social innovation to co-produce the recovery of a degraded urban space involving the whole community in a syntropic proje…