Project news

HELIOS trains 52 young people and unemployed women in Italy, Spain and Greece

HELIOS training courses are taking place all over the Mediterranean. Here is a focus on the training actions carried out in Italy, Spain and Greece!

Project news

MoreThanAJob will contribute to the implementation of the EU Social Economy Action Plan

By promoting social economy in the Mediterranean region. We invite everyone to fill up the EU survey on how to strengthen the cooperation between public authorities and social…

Project news

STAND Up!: More than 30 economy enablers gather to foster Open Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean

The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) organized an internal webinar to approach the process of e…

Project news

Happy new year 2022 from MedTOWN project!

May the new year bring peace, solidarity and happiness for all humanity. 

Project news

SIRCLES presents its sister project “Compost Goal” in Puglia, Italy

Compost Goal aimed at creating positive competition between municipalities to reduce the percentage of impurities in collected food waste and reduce the number of non-composta…

Project news

SIRCLES launches a paid and tailored training in the biowaste composting sector in Italy

8 participants will be selected to attend a paid and tailored training course on biowaste management in Italy. Deadline for submission: 7th January 2022.

Project news

Christmas with CLIMA project: second-hand presents to improve circular economy in Lebanon

Due to the financial crisis, Lebanese people discovered new ways to save money without giving up on Christmas traditions.

Project news

MYSEA highlights the contribution of young volunteers in running the project

Integrating 4 young volunteers is a win-win relationship: young people gain job experience while the project benefits from their talents and motivation.