Project news

Practical training session in reporting for REUSEMED project

On the 6th of May, the Partners of REUSEMED Project received a training session organised by the ENI CBC Med and carried out by the Joint Technical Secretariat focus on showing the practical use of the reportin…

Project news

MedArtSal celebrates the Bird Migratory World Day

MedArtSal joins the World Migratory Bird Day on 8th May by raising awareness about the fundamental role of artisanal salinas as strategic points on the migratory route of a multitude of migratory bird species.

Project news

COMMON project: let's start to Clean Up The Med

The awareness campaign will start on May 14. 16 countries and more than 80 organizations joined the initiative to raise awareness about the marine litter issue.

Project news

MED4EBM: thematic scoping for applying the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Corigliano Gulf - Italy

Under the MED4EBM project, Amici della Terra Onlus the project Italian partner, conducting a thematic scoping to apply the integrated Coasta…

Project news

MED4EBM: Integrated Ecosystem Management of Coastal Areas in the Gulf of Corigliano in Calabria - Italy

MED4EBM Italian partner Amici della Terra Onlus conducted the the first participatory workshop of the MED4EBM Project began, on the Integrat…

Project news

GREENinMED supports competitiveness and sustainability in the Mediterranean tourism industry

A new report on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean in the post-COVID19 context highlights the importance and potential impact of the GREENinMED project.

Project news

Energy efficiency in public buildings: third newsletter of BERLIN now available!

Discover the latest updatesabout the pilot installation activities in public buildings n Cyprus, Italy, Greece and Israel.

Project news

STAND Up!: 22 projects in the fashion and clothing industry selected in Lebanon

A total of 131 applications went through selection by expert jury members from the Berytech team, from which 22 entrepreneurs finally join the Growing Innovation Program.