Project news

COMMON: the Italian Chamber of Deputies says yes to environmental protection in the Constitution

Legambiente, Italian NGO and coordinator of the COMMON project: "A great news and a victory for the environment".

Project news

COMMON: educating about the environment for an eco-responsible generation

The COMMON project led an awareness session for students of the French International School of Tunis.

Project news

AQUACYCLE Presenting its Credentials

January 2022 turned out to be a hectic month of presenting AQUACYCLE's credentials

Project news

Project news

Project news

GIMED: 17 green start-ups selected in Lebanon for the coaching phase

Berytech organised a pitching event for 25 start-ups who are part of the GIMED Support Program.


Project news

MED4EBM in Jordan is looking for a service provider to upgrade software

Service provider needed to upgrade the the existing ArcGis 10.6 Software. Submit offers by 7th Feb 2022

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG launches a call for tender in Lebanon

The deadline for application is 10 February 2022

Project news

STAND Up!: Sustainable wedding dresses, a fashion revolution in Italy led by Flavia Piendibene

The young start-up aims to create an innovative, sustainable, modular and totally customisable collection.