Project news

AQUACYCLE: workshop with water stakeholders in Tunisia

The workshop will take place on September 22, 2020 under the theme "Changing the paradigm of wastewater reuse".

Project news

Project news

Clean Up the Med is back, promoted by the COMMON project

Clean Up The Med, an international campaign to clean up the beaches all around the Mediterranean Sea, promoted by the COMMON project, will be held from 25 to 27 September, for a weekend dedicated to love for th…

Project news

[SME4SMARTCITIES] A snapshot of smart city development in boosting economies of the Mediterranean

Smart city development is recently gaining a lot of traction not just as a mere policy alternative but rather a crucial economic strategy fo…

Project news

MED4EBM project: Tyre Coast Nature Reserve, Lebanon is looking for an External Auditor

The deadline for the submission of quotations is Monday, 21st September 2020.

Project news

[HELIOS] Focus on the Blue Economy: why is it so important?

An opportunity for the sustainable future of the Mediterranean and for the inclusion of young people and women. That is why HELIOS bets on the Blue Economy!

Project news

CROSSDEV: press tour in Umm Qais, Jordan

15 journalists were invited to visit the new attractions around Umm Qais, Northern Jordan and to discover CROSSDEV plans for its socio-economic development.

Project news

Water management: MEDISS Partners Steering Committee web-meeting

MEDISS partners organize the 2nd Partners Steering Committee virtually on the 9th of September, 10 am (Jerusalem Time).

Project news

Tender announcement for ESMES: External Auditing Services for Verification of Expenditure in Jordan

The deadline for submitting offers is Monday, September 14th 11:00 pm Amman Time.