Project news

Energy efficiency: Read Med-EcoSuRe final newsletter and learn about the project results!

The final issue includes a summary of the project achievements.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Exploring Organic Agriculture in Egypt, a visit to SEKEM organisation

The Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture, in partnership with the Jordan Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables (JEPA) and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry…

Project news

MEDWAYCAP: A National Action Plan for the valorisation of Non-Conventional Water drawn up in Tunisia

The Action Plan has been the subject of in-depth study, discussion and comment in a workshop.

Project news

Med4Waste publishes a useful mapping of Mediterranean policies and strategies on waste management

It provides an overview of the local context, legislation, national strategies and circular economy policy frameworks in 6 Mediterranean cou…

Project news

AQUACYCLE project storyline narrated in video clip

The clip was produced by the Tunisian partner CERTE in the framework of the ENI CBC Med funded MEDWAYCAP Project

Project news

Med4Waste participated in the Green Technology exposition

Med4Waste showcased progress in waste management and resource recovery technologies in the Mediterranean region.

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe shares its innovative renovation Guidelines for sustainable and efficient buildings

The actions implemented enabled to avoid 510 tCO2/year and to save 148 k€/year

TOGETHER FOR A CHANGE: follow and meet the Interreg NEXT MED Programme at COP28 in Dubai

Explore with us solutions for addressing Mediterranean climate challenges through a range of events showcasing impactful results.

Project news

Med4Waste participates to the 2nd TouMaLi conference on preventing tourism marine litter

One of the root causes of marine litter in the Mediterranean is poor municipal waste management practices and Med4Waste signalled this message during this conference.