Project news

17 February 2020
Reducing pressure on water resources: first field visit of PROSIM project in Sicily

In the Marsala Municipality area, the PROSIM project will test the use of treated wastewater in agriculture.

Project news

14 February 2020
Med-EcoSuRe team joins forces with university managers to launch the buildings renovation process in Tunisia

University buildings of the National Engineering School of Tunis will undergo energy retrofitting in order to decrease their carbon footprin…

Project news

13 February 2020
Med-EcoSuRe conducts a survey for sustainable building rehabilitation solutions

Within the framework of the Med-EcoSure project, Solartys has launched a call to identify Innovative solutions addressing energy retrofitting of universities' buildings.

Project news

13 February 2020
Job vacancies under the COMMON project

COMMON is looking for 2 experts in the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and 1 project assistant.

Project news

12 February 2020
Job vacancy at University of Naples under the CEOMED project

The deadline for receiving applications is 3rd of March 2020.

Project news

12 February 2020
LIVINGAGRO e-Newsletter edition n. 1 now available!

Discover the first edition of the LIVINGAGRO project e-Newsletter.

Project news

12 February 2020
Meet the MED-InA team: episode #5

Discover the people behind the MED-InA project in a series of weekly interviews!

Project news

11 February 2020
ESMES: the idea behind a project on energy efficiency in schools of the Mediterranean area

The project will optimize energy consumption in 10 schools across Italy, Jordan, Spain, Tunisia, Lebanon.