
Project news

SIRCLES: Testimonial of Letizia Masi on her work in the Green Label Campaign

About 35 entities from the hotel, restaurants and cafe sectors were invited to join the Green Label Campaign.

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG Newsletter issue #2 promotes participatory training activities for sustainable cities

Here are the highlights of project developments and upcoming activities. Read it now.

Project news

FruitFlyNet-ii in Spain presents its e-solution to fight against medfly at a big research and innovation fair

FruitFlyNet-ii´s team from the University of Cordoba presented the prototype of its e-solution.

Project news

Plastic Busters CAP is looking for a consultant in marine litter policies

Plastic Busters CAP launches a call to select a a consultant in marine litter policies

Project news

MED4EBM in Jordan audited 7 Beaches and 1 Marina applying the blue flag international label criteria

On January 26th, 2023, seven Beaches and one Marina obtained the blue flag international label criteria in Aqaba

Project news

BERLIN as a case study of ‘Near Zero Energy Buildings’ (NZEB)

The BERLIN project was presented as a case study in the postgraduate course on NZEB of the University of Cyprus

Project news

REUSEMED in Tunisia promotes the reduction of organic waste at household level

A workshop to promote the practice of individual composting was organised on Thursday 22 February 2023 at the Cité des Sciences in Tunis.

Project news

Capannori, the start of composting for bars and restaurants thanks to REUSEMED Project

The municipality of Capannori fosters organic waste management to bars and restaurants through incentives such as tax cut.