Project news

AQUACYCLE invites local communities to draw action plans for the reuse of treated effluent

Active engagement of citizens in the drawing up of reuse action plans is perfectly feasible!

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe shares good practices to reduce Higher Education Buildings energy consumption in Palestine

The workshop highlighted the technical and economic impact of the implemented Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency systems at An-Najah Edu…

Project news

From GIMED to Seddeh: A Young Entrepreneur's Path to Sustainability

Mohammed Nejmeddin, the CEO of Seddeh, is passionate about sustainability and green living. The GIMED project has given him the push to launch his green start-up, Seddeh.

Project news

SEACAP4 SDG transfers knowledge on public building renovation through a Living Lab approach

The first phase of the SEACAP Living Lab training programme about Selected Reference Projects took place last October-November 2022. Read more details.

Project news

REUSEMED partners visit associations that promote the culture of reuse in Italy

Either through training people on how to fix objects to give them a second life or through bartering, there are many ways to promote the culture of reuse.

Project news

STAND Up!: Call for Policy Paper Consultant in Lebanon.

The goal is to guide and influence policy and sector governance changes in support of circular entrepreneurs.

Project news

Plastic Busters CAP to deliver lectio magistralis about the impact of marine litter on the Mediterranean Sea

The professor, Maria Cristina Fossi, scientific coordinator of the Plastic Busters CAP project, will give a public lecture on 17 February (h…