Project news

DECOST: Jordanian partners prepare for the final phase of project implementation

The project has allowed to have direct contact with many stakeholders, public entities and citizens' associations that can play a very important role in improving waste m…

Project news

DECOST: University of Patras showcases the sustainability and transferability potential of the project in Greece

The concepts of home and community composting for urban organic waste management were presented in the 4th EMCEI conference, together with c…

Project news

Project news

CLUSTER promotes social inclusion actions in the Mediterranean region through its capitalisation initiative

On 13 December 2022, CLUSTER officially launched the development of its Capitalisation Strategy to support social inclusion actions in favou…

Project news

GREENLAND in Greece will launch online training in Green and Circular skills

GREENLAND in Greece will launch training courses in Green & Circular economy sectors for NEETs and women to increase their skills and employability.

Project news

CEOMED in Jordan collaborates with the municipality of Amman and the Ministry of Water an Irrigation to optimize its waste management plan

To obtain relevant technical data and compare them to enhance the implementation of the organic waste man…

Project news

Lebanon: CLIMA projects brings municipality of Bourj Hammoud one step closer to zero waste

CLIMA project supports the start-up ReFuse in scaling up and enhancing its impact in Lebanon. ReFuse is a social enterprise that runs recyclable collection points, sells recyc…

Project news

Project news

MedSNAIL in Palestine: Olive Tree, a history of Ancestors and the future for generations

The Rural Women's Development Society keeps pace with women farmers in Jenin "Influential rich experiences and linkages to the land over the years”.