Project news

Innovation and circular economy in BESTMEDGRAPE: the scientific basis

Do you want to know the scientific background of the BESTMEDGRAPE project? Read the researches that support the new entrepreneurial initiatives granted by the ENI CBC MED prog…

Project news

Project news

Project news

INTECMED in Greece had a physical follow-up on the mentorship programme implementation

The Chamber of Achaia organized the 2nd formal meeting with mentees, mentors, and project team members, to discuss the ongoing INTECMED Mentorship Programme as well as the nex…

Project news

[LIVINGAGRO] Tender announcement, subcontractor for delivering multiple services wanted in Greece

Services requested include the organization of trainings, the completion of a precompetitive analysis and the development of a services plat…

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG delivers the Local Living Lab training on public building renovation in Aigialeia (Greece)

SEACAP 4 SDG transfers knowledge on public building renovation through a Living Lab approach in Aigialeia (Greece). Read more details.

Project news

INTECMED attended Transfiere, the main research and innovation fair in South Europe

SMEs and entrepreneurs supported by INTECMED could attend and benefit from the fair´s activities.

Project news

iHERITAGE Project Partner and Galala University Sign Revolutionary ICT Research Agreement in Egypt

Galala University and CEEBA signed a groundbreaking research agreement for innovative ICT products in Egypt under the iHERITAGE Project.