Project news

Tunisia: MEDSt@rts announces the second Cross-Border Forum to build a Mediterranean microfinance strategy for new businesses

The event will be held in Sfax on March 3, with partners, stakeholders and international guests.

Project news

CRE@CTIVE: the future of the financial ecosystem in the Mediterranean: FI@CTIVE

Do you want to know about the future of financial matchmaking for public authorities in the MED region? One tool, CRE@CTIVE's: FI@CTIVE.

Project news

How a historical site wins its gamification opportunity: lessons from Jordan

MED GAIMS have started releasing its Gamification Development Framework for its partners. The GDF describes the country’s strategy for the applications of gamification in its …

Project news

How a historical site wins its gamification opportunity: lessons from Italy

MED GAIMS have started releasing its Gamification Development Framework for its partners. The GDF describes the country’s strategy for the applications of gamification in its …

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Learn more about the added value of biodynamic agriculture in Greece

Biodynamic agriculture is a form of alternative agriculture similar to organic farming. In Greece, there are 4,660 cultivated biodynamic acres.

Project news

GREENinMED workshop on Water and Energy Management in the Tourist Industry, Spain, February 23rd

A GREENinMED workshop on Efficient Technologies for Water and Energy Management in the Tourist Industry will be held on February 23rd in Bar…

Project news

GREENinMED workshop on Energy and Water Management in France, February 25th

Capenergies is inviting tourism businesses and water & energy innovators to a transnational workshop as part of the GREENinMED project.

Project news

Spain: Salinas de Chiclana and MedArtsal project embark on the journey to promote sustainable cosmetics

In the town of Chiclana (Cadiz, Spain), the salt pan of Santa María de Jesús and the ALEMA collective continue their journey to utilise the …

Project news

MedArtSal organises first 'salt' fair in Tunis

All the salinas in the Mediterranean are invited to the first salt fair in Tunis (Tunisia), for creating opportunities for B2B meetings between operators in the sector and potential clients/partners who will at…