Project news

Eco-sustainable design through training activities in Athens. A 20 hour training program by INNOMED-UP

A 20 hour blended face to face and online training program in Athens focusing on Eco-design, Digital Design, Digital Fabrication and 3D Prin…

Project news

“Athens circles of creativity”: INNOMED-UP Socio-Urban Circularity Workshop in Athens to explore further the concept of Circular Economy

A two-day workshop was organized in Athens in June 2021. Its aim was to bring together some of the creati…

Project news

The INNOMED-UP Living Lab: creating networks of circularity within the urban environments

Through the Clustering Roadmaps, Athens, Prato, Palermo, Tunis, Hebron, Nablus & Irbid have structured all the necessary steps to create networks of circularity within the…

Project news

GIMED: Crowdfunding campaign to create the first plastic collection and recycling centre in Southern Italy

Risacca, a start-up incubated through the project, has started a fundraising initiative in collaboration with the investor Banca Etica.

Project news

STAND Up!: Green Fashion turns waste of fabric from textile factories into high quality products in Egypt

The start-up, prized in the 1st edition of the WeMed Award, promotes eco-conscious and sustainable lifestyle supporting rural women and loca…

Project news

Med Pearls: from slow to sustainable tourism, advancing together

Med Pearls training content, tourism products created, and network will be capitalised under RESTART MED!

Project news

How a historical site wins its gamification opportunity: lessons from MED GAIMS

The compass for gamification applications include factors such as physical characteristics of the site, type of visitors, cost of development, and game linkage with local busi…

Project news

Med Pearls: Coptic cultures & Christmas in the Saint Mina Monastery in Egypt

Christmas, a time of healing and inner peace for all. Get to know how Coptic cultures celebrate the joyous occasion in one of the project’s Med Pearls pilot areas of Egypt.


Project news

ReSt@rts project: Call for external auditor needed for the Tunisian partner

The Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry “CCIS”, Tunisian partner of the Rest@rts project, is looking for external audit services. The closing date to present bids is 05/02/2…