Project news

Spain: CLUSTER4GREEN is looking for an external auditor

BIC Euronova partner, partner of the CLUSTER4GREEN project, is looking for an External Auditor. Application deadline: 26/01/2022 at 12:00 CET.

ReSt@rts project is looking for an auditor

Leaders International, Palestinian partner of the Rest@rts project, is looking for an auditor. The closing date to present bids is the 20/01/2022.

Project news

STAND Up!: La Boutique Sociale, a social entreprise working on zero waste in Lebanon

They collect unwanted donated clothes and items and sort them to be reused in different ways.

Project news

GIMED: ‘Fa Bene Sicilia’, a social cooperative that promotes fair trade food in Sicily

Daniela Avanzato is the female entrepreneur behind this project, which received training support in Italy last year.

Project news

Med Pearls: Opportunities and prospects for ‘ICT powering Med Tourism’ presented at Cairo-ICT exhibition

Egyptian Med Pearls partners hosted the project's 1st Bridge event, bringing together partners, ICT and Tourism Companies from 6 countr…

Project news

Skills4Sports project evaluates the educational system in sports sector and identifies the tools to implement better employment opportunities

Better monitoring and evaluation of educational systems and an increase in the offer of Vocational traini…

Project news

Med Pearls presents traditional customs in Greece

When December comes, a sweet Christmas impatience is born and spreads quickly in Greece daily live. In Pieria and Imathia customs and traditions become protagonists while the days are counting down to Christmas…

Project news

Lebanon: MED GAIMS is about to launch a smartphone game for Mseilha fort visitors

“A Day in The Life of Shoujaa” is a smartphone game developed by MED GAIMS to gamify the touristic experience for every Mseilha fort visitor, North Lebanon.

Project news