Leaders International, Palestinian partner of ReSt@rts project, is looking for an auditor


Leaders International invites you to submit a proposal for auditing services

The closing date to present bids is the 20/01/2022.

More information in the attached file

Leaders International, headquartered in Brussels, is an international network of local organisations specialised in planning, managing, and monitoring innovation and economic development interventions in developing economies, fragile states, and post-conflict countries. It was established in 2004 with a vision to deliver prosperity and economic growth to people across the Middle East and North Africa.

Through its global network of partners, Leaders delivers professional project-management services with particular focus on private-sector development, job creation, innovation, entrepreneurship, and access to markets. It manages a multi-million active portfolio of development grants and service contracts; aiming to advance and transform developing economies while respecting environmental, ethical, and social values of those it serves.

Rest@rts: Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Rest@rts aims to reinforce the Med Microfinance network system for start-ups by promoting economic and social development and supporting innovative start-ups and recently established MSMEs.

Rest@rts’ main objective is to contribute to stimulating growth and improving the business ecosystem in the Euro-Med area facilitating, enlarging, and strengthening access to credit. The project achieves this objective directly by broadening the finance options available and improving understanding of the full range of financing instruments. The project’s work packages are going to encourage discussion among stakeholders about new approaches and innovative policies for SME and entrepreneurship financing. Please note that leaders are a partner within a consortium of Mediteranian countries executing this project.