Project news

A closer look at the Med Pearls destinations: Pieria-Mount Olympus in Greece, an irresistible combination of mountain & sea

Join us in a series of articles to discover the different "pearls" of the Med Pearls network. I…

Project news

“Layers of History”, a MED GAIMS analog experience in Spain: meet the team of developers

The exciting experience includes revealing the mysterious disappearance of three agents that went MIA. Here is the story of the game developers.

Project news

Tunisia: ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM has extended the deadline to select experts

The Syndicate of the Farmers in Tunisia (SYNAGRI) based in Tunisia is looking for 2 professionals for the project. New deadline: 5th of November 2021.

Project news

MEDUSA: Discover the adventures in Ben Arous in Tunisia

If you are into adventures, Ben Arous, is the place to go! It is in the southern suburb of the capital Tunis and the biggest industrial zone in Tunisia. This region holds a strong economic significance.

Project news

ARTOLIO project presents digital transformation app for extra virgin olive oil producers in Corsica

The pioneering project of the European Union and ENI CBC MED implements the first pilot training of its digital platform of management and o…

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM carried out capacity building activities on organic agriculture in Jordan

Employees at the Ministry of Agriculture have been instructed to provide necessary guidance to stakeholders in the organic farming sector.

Project news

GIMED: Lebanese Drug Box, a safe solution to treat and dispose expired medications in Lebanon

This green initiative has been selected by Berytech, together with 3 more projects, to move on to the incubation phase.

Project news

ARTOLIO showcased in Expoliva 2021, the greatest international fair dedicated to extra virgin olive oil

The University of Jaén, partner of the project, showed its progress and celebrated its great reception by professionals and institutions in …