Project news

Palestine: MEDSt@rts launches the Funding Observatory for entrepreneurs

Through a virtual help desk, entrepreneurs can access many opportunities in Palestine, including microfinance loans, investments and technical services. 

Project news

Med Pearls: how to attract the US market with your Slow Tourism products?

In this series of articles, we will be presenting key-insights on how to commercialise Slow Tourism products to key out-bound markets. On this edition: the keys of the United …

Project news

Webinar for building synergies between DECOST and ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM projects

The two projects met in order to explore possible cooperation and agree on synergies.

Project news

14 Mediterranean salinas selected for sub-grants within the project MedArtSal

Thanks to the support of MedArtSal, 14 salinas in the Mediterranean will diversify their business potential and increase environmental sustainability.

Project news

Egypt: GIMED is opening a Head of Entrepreneurs position!

Alexandria Business Association launches an open call to cover this job position. Candidates should apply before next 30th of June 2021.

Project news

MEDUSA: Tunisia the paradise of adventure tourism

Tunisia has a high potential for development of adventure tourism. Several destinations in Tunisia have already become the paradise of adventure tourism.

Project news

CRE@CTIVE partner in Tunisia looking to hire an audit firm

Qualified agencies are kindly requested to apply no later than the 10th of June 2021 at 17:00 CET. 

Project news

[ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM] Jordan: Apply now for an intensive 5-day training on organic agriculture

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is looking for operators, SMEs and innovative projects working in Jordan. Deadline: 21st of June 2021.

Project news

GIMED: Electric bicycles as a hassle-free solution for commuting in Beirut

Wave Bike is an efficient way to limit carbon emissions in the MENA region for people in their daily commute.