Project news

Mediterranean: a journey of recipes and techniques through MedSNAIL project

Mediterranean countries have a rich variety of food products that are deeply rooted in the cultures and local biodiversity of the region, and representative of the famously-he…

Project news

Tunisia: GIMED is looking for a Community Manager for its project!

The recruited person will ensure the project´s visibility on social networks. Deadline for submission: Sunday, 28th March 2021.

Project news

Palestine: two job vacancies under the U-SOLVE project

The Palestine Ahliya University, partner of the U-SOLVE project, is looking for an External Auditor and a Communication Officer. Application deadline: 20/3/2021 at 16:00 CET.

Project news

MEDUSA: International Women’s Day

Different women have participated this year to celebrate the International Women’s Day, each with her own achievements to promote and encourage one of the main objectives of MEDUSA project: Adventurous tourism.

Project news

Greece: two job vacancies under the MEDSt@rts project

The deadline for the submission of applications is March 19th.

Project news

MedArtSal webinar to support the applicants interested in the sub-grants call for proposals held on 26th February

Managers and owners of salinas in Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia actively participated to MedArtSal webinar on 26th of February.

Project news

STAND Up!: Now available the complete video of the #STANDUpAccelerator webinar!

Find all the presentations delivered during the web conference and direct link to see the whole online event held on March the 4th.

Project news

Project news

Innovation in Textile, Footwear & Leather: CRE@CTIVE to ignite creativity in traditional sectors

The EU funded project with a budget of 3.2 Mio EUR held its institutional kick-off on the 4th of March bringing together partners from 6 Med…