Project news

ARTOLIO in Corsica: A Transformative Gathering for the Olive Oil Sector

On November 21st, the ARTOLIO project, a pioneering initiative in olive oil production and milling, held a significant Info Day at the iconic Hotel L'Empereur in Aleria, …

Project news

U-SOLVE presents the grantees´ projects to address urban sustainable development

28 subgrants were awarded to young entrepreneurs and SMEs, about 5 in each participating country covering topics as wide as IT, food management or transport.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Exploring Organic Agriculture in Egypt, a visit to SEKEM organisation

The Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture, in partnership with the Jordan Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables (JEPA) and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry…

Project news

U-SOLVE in Palestine announces its final subgrantees

The selection of the subgrantees was based on a long process of evaluation which included three steps in the U-SOLVE project overall and 4 step in Palestine in particular.

Project news

Egypt: Innovative 5 Teams win the U-SOLVE subgrant

These winning projects tackle blue infrastructure, urban food systems, sustainable energy, and waste management, contributing significantly to sustainable urban development in Egypt.

Project news

INVESTMED publishes 5 policy papers promoting recommendations for an enabling environment in the Southern Mediterranean

Project Partner, EMEA has published 5 new policy papers covering access to finance, food security, social protection, education, and the reg…

Project news

INVESTMED publishes comprehensive policy paper on Intellectual Property Rights in the Southern Mediterranean

This policy paper, developed by Beyond Group, highlights the major challenges and provides recommendations for ecosystem enablement in Egypt…

Project news

U-SOLVE holds its final open workshop on sustainable urban development

The main objective is to promote collaboration among start-uppers and facilitate connections with economic actors, institutions, and the public. Covered topics: Circular Econ…

Project news

Crowdfunding for the Cultural and Creative Industries Guidebook published by the INVESTMED project

This practical guide provides a step-by-step guide to launching a crowdfunding campaign and gives examples of platforms on which to do it fo…