Project news

CLUSTER4GREEN gathers SMEs, governmental institutions and NGOs in Amman to tackle the circular economy challenges in industry

The Amman Chamber of Industry organized the workshop on December 5th,2022 titled “Industrial Sector and…

Project news

CLIMA launches call for sub-grants to support circular economy initiatives

The project CLIMA is currently offering a chance for Italian no profit organisations and SMEs operating in Liguria Region for 1 subgrant aiming at promoting circular economy.

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is going to BIOFACH fair with the aim of exploring business alliances

The project is bringing together, at the same stand, 14 companies from 4 Mediterranean countries with the goal of supporting them to meet partners and clients across Europe an…

Project news

RESTART MED! An exciting change awaits in the sector

We interview Jaume Marín, Doctor in Tourism and mentor of RESTART MED! subgrants in Catalonia.

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, the projects' mission for disseminating information about the benefits of agroforestry practices continues

A new workshop targeted to Greek agroforestry stakeholders and operators was held in Athens last month in order to promote the transfer of k…

Project news

STAND Up!: project lead partner is looking for a Communications Officer based in Barcelona (Spain)

Take a look now to this new Barcelona-based position opened by the lead partner of the STAND Up! project: the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC) / M…


Project news

Project news

MedArtSal project is looking for a short-term consultancy service in Lebanon

The MedArtSal project partner ADR – Association for the Development of Rural Capacities is looking for a short-term consultancy service. Deadline: 10/02/2023

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, free e-learning courses now available on the project ICT platform for Mediterranean agroforestry!

Online training and multimedia resources focusing on experimented and identified project innovations now available in English for registered…