ENI CBC Med at United Nations Ocean Conference side event on marine litter

The event, to take place on 28 June (9:30 to 11:00 AM) will highlight the importance of cooperation in fighting marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea.

ENI CBC Med participates in Youth Dialogue with European Commissioner for Environment

The event took place on 30 of May 2022 in Brussels to kick off the EU Green Week, Europe’s largest event on the environment.

France: seminar to discuss the results of ENI CBC Med projets in Marseille on June 20

The event is organized by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region (South region), national authority of the ENI CBC MED Program for France.

The many facets of a professional fisherman in the Mediterranean

Discover the story of Alexandre Lucchini, Corsican fisherman who shares his passion and thoughts about fishing in a professional way.

Young Mediterranean people committed to a greener and more social fashion industry

Awareness, cooperation, technologies: here are some of the ingredients highlithed by designers, brands, advocates, policymakers to make the fashion industry more sustainable.

From Italy to Lebanon working for the circular economy in the Mediterranean

Meet Valeria, Interreg Volunteer Youth from Italy, who is supporting the implementation of the SIRCLES project in Lebanon.

Discover the power of bees on the environment, people and minds

On World Bee Day, we give the voice to a Cypriot bee lover who turned beekeeping into a way of living and a way of making a living.

Europe Day: young people highlight jobs and stability as their main priorities

From rethinking formal education to more trust in the institutions, 6 young Mediterranean people shared their concerns and expectations during a debate held on Europe Day.

REGISTER NOW: Online event “Youth for a greener clothing and fashion industry”

Join us on 18 of May to hear how young Mediterraneans are pushing forward sustainability to drive the green revolution in the clothing and fashion sector.