Project news

Co-Evolve4BG meets local actors to assess the sustainability of tourism in the Circeo, Italy

An on-line workshop with key local actors was organized by Lazio Region in order to share the set of indicators developed in the frame of the project for the assessment of tou…

Project news

Plastic Busters CAP in Italy is looking in for a consultant in beach-litter monitoring

Legambiente, Italian partner of the Plastic Busters CAP project is looking for a consultant in beach-litter monitoring

Project news

IPMED in Tunisia gathered key recommendations to improve awareness on intellectual property

Encouraging Tunisian banks to create tools for Intellectual Property Protection, boosting the IP Ecosystem in Tunisia to implement statistics to identify the state of the IP a…

Project news

MED-QUAD in Palestine organized field training to enhance skills applied to cultural heritage tourism

The Palestine Polytechnic University enhanced university capacities through ARCHEO Lab training. The training team explored virtual tools fo…

Project news

INVITATION: Join the next Med Pearls trip in Alexandria, Egypt

INVITATION: Discover the Beauty of Egypt through Slow Tourism and join our familiarisation trip to Alexandria

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain installs a container for exchanging second hand games

The Cordoba Sanitation Company (Sadeco) has installed in the recently remodelled 'City of Boys and Girls' a Games Box to promote awareness of zero waste and environm…

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG highlights importance of cooperation projects for energy efficiency in public building

A scientific publication about the study case of Municipality of Aigialeia, Greece was produced by the University of Patras.