Project news

REUSEMED in Tunisia launches a tender for waste collection and storage systems

The municipality of Sakiet Ezzit in Tunisia has made public on TUNEPS (Tunisia E-Procurement System) the conditions for the supply of composters, tables, fire extinguishers, t…

Project news

Project news

MED4EBM in Italy launches the "Mediterranean Forum for Integrated Ecosystem Management"

During this two-day event, partners discussed with local stakeholders about ecosystem-based management of four coastal areas in Italy, Jorda…

Project news

Med4Waste presents its activities on Mediterranean Waste Management at a Union for the Mediterranean event

Med4Waste took advantage of this event to present its foreseen activities : the creation of a case studies catalogue, raising awareness camp…

Project news

Jobs opportunity in Italy under NEX-LABS project: Net7 srl is looking for communication consultancy

Net7 srl the Italian work package leader of the WP2 - Communication of the NEX-LABS project, opens a pre-selective investigation aimed at co…

Project news

TECHLOG: A Web Collaborative Platform enabling (Trans)port Industry Collaboration and Technology Transfer

TECHLOG will launch a web-based platform to support the exchange of information and practices across diverse innovation stakeholders to str…

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: organic is the model that preserves both the health of man and the environment

Now is the time to invest in an organic transition that benefits both human health and the economy

Project news

WEF - CAP presents AGROgestor, a new solution to reduce environmental impact

Here we are on the second issue of a series of efficient best practices facing water, energy & food (WEF NEXUS) challenges. AGROgestor supports the efficiency in the use o…

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES facilitates the advancement of smartcity solutions in Israel

SMEs pre-selected by the SME4SMARTCITIES consortium propose innovative solutions to public authorities from Israel