Project news

MoreThanAJob supports Syrian families in increasing their income

Through providing training, raw materials, equipment and marketing focusing on dairy products from sheep´s milk.

Project news

MED4EBM in Lebanon trained on data monitoring to better understand effects of human activities on sustainable coast management

The workshop allowed participants to deal with data related to agricultural practices, fishing and touris…

Project news

MedPAN, a fundamental partner of ENSERES: with the network of Mediterranean MPA managers, it can rely on a solid background of knowledge and experience

Mediterranean networks of marine protected areas participating in ENSERES can assist connecting challenge…

Project news

SAVE THE DATE: EMPHASIS launches the 1st of May its Call for the Identification of Open Innovation Opportunities

EMPHASIS introduces the top sustainable priorities to be addressed by SMEs in its Open Call, which will result in at least 80 Open Innovatio…

Project news

YEP MED in Spain designs an indicator system to monitor the employability of the port sector

The Port of Barcelona's Training and Employment working group has developed a system of indicators to follow up the achievements and assess the impact of social projects …


Project news

Meet the SUSTAINABLE MED CITIES Team #03 Sousse Municipality

In the third issue you'll discover Sousse Municipality - A partner from the south-eastern Mediterranean


Project news

Meet the Sustainable MED Cities team #02: iiSBE Italia

In the second issue you'll discover iiSBE Italia - International Initaitive for a Sustainable Built Environment

Project news

Holoportation could reinvent tourism: conclusions from MED GAIMS applications in Spain

Marc Martos, Media Team Development Leader at i2CAT Foundation, expresses his view of the MED GAIMS project and the possibilities of the synergies between tourism and innovati…

Project news

RE-MED in Lebanon was presented to 200 contractors and engineers in public works and buildings

On March 19, 2022, the Lebanese Contractors Syndicate for Public Works and Buildings gave a full explanation of RE-MED project to 200 contra…