Project news

U-SOLVE holds its final open workshop on sustainable urban development

The main objective is to promote collaboration among start-uppers and facilitate connections with economic actors, institutions, and the public. Covered topics: Circular Econ…

Project news

Showcasing The Impact Of NEX-LABS During Lebanon’s Global Entrepreneurship Week

Berytech launched the Global Entrepreneurship week (GEW) in Lebanon at Bosa Nova Hotel, Beirut on November 10th by showcasing the impact of its NEX-LABS project.

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe shares its innovative renovation Guidelines for sustainable and efficient buildings

The actions implemented enabled to avoid 510 tCO2/year and to save 148 k€/year

Project news

INTERNISA in Jordan launched a training for women

In this training, women learned how to prepare budgets using digital tools and how to maximize the benefits of electronic and digital software.

Project news

Crowdfunding for the Cultural and Creative Industries Guidebook published by the INVESTMED project

This practical guide provides a step-by-step guide to launching a crowdfunding campaign and gives examples of platforms on which to do it fo…

TOGETHER FOR A CHANGE: follow and meet the Interreg NEXT MED Programme at COP28 in Dubai

Explore with us solutions for addressing Mediterranean climate challenges through a range of events showcasing impactful results.

Project news

MED-QUAD enhanced the use of IT for cultural heritage and better water use

Cultural heritage, water, and research achievements were realised in Greece, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, fostering socially aware universities.

Project news

CLUSTER showcases achievements at the Mediterranean Youth Academy

IEMED, coordinator of CLUSTER took part in the reporting team on climate change in the Mediterranean.

Project news

CLUSTER publishes Policy Report on Blue Economy as an opportunity for youth and women employment in the Mediterranean

In a move towards addressing youth unemployment, the CLUSTER Project published its policy report focusing on the Blue Economy (BE) in the Me…