Project news

30 April 2020
Water management: MENAWARA Steering Committee met online

MENAWARA Steering Committee met online to summarize past six months activities and to plan the new actions under the COVID-19 constraints.

Project news

30 April 2020
Energy efficiency: pilot sites of BERLIN project in Italy

A rooftop PV system will be installed, with a total peak power of 40-kWp, on one of the buildings of the University of Cagliari campus, Italy.

Project news

29 April 2020
[MESUDA Open Tender] Training of Trainers for Sustainable Tourism Destination Management

MEDUSA project is looking for a consultant/trainer to carry out an online Training of Trainers on sustainable destination management.

Project news

29 April 2020
[Get to know MEDUSA's territories] Kfarselouan, Lebanon

Nestled between the summit of the Mount of the Church and the bottom of the Jamani River, the Lebanese village of Kfarselouan is rich with its beautiful nature and old history.

Project news

29 April 2020
[MEDUSA sister projects] AQUACYLE

This article forms part of a series of publications under MEDUSA project, where we present projects related to ours around the Mediterranean (“sister projects”).

Project news

28 April 2020
MEDUSA - Open Tender: Consultant for International Benchmarking Study

MEDUSA project is looking for a consultant to carry out a Study for the Identification and Analysis of Sustainable Innovative Practices in Adventure Tourism.

Project news

28 April 2020
Meet the faces of CEOMED project? Part 1

Stefano Papirio from the University of Naples Federico II discusses the use anaerobic digestion for the treatment of organic waste.

Project news

28 April 2020
The GIMED project is looking for an external auditor!

Leaders International is looking for an external auditor for the verification of the expenses of the GIMED project. Bids shall be submitted before the 10 of May 2020.

Project news

28 April 2020
COMMON: a lasting Mediterranean network to stop marine litter

Interview of Serena Carpentieri, Deputy Director of Legambiente Onlus, for Europuglia.