INTECMED in Greece presents some of its innovative business ideas at a development forum network


The 2nd Interplay Hybrid Event, was organized by the Chamber of Achaia-Lead Beneficiary of INTECMED project, in Patras at 20th of November 2022, in the framework of 25th Development Forum annual event. The participants, had the opportunity to learn about:

  • The aim and the expected results of the project;
  • the E-Bazaar of Innovation platform as an innovative and useful tool for networking and synergies.

The most important part of the event was the presentation of the INTECMED innovative business ideas, as the audience had the opportunity to meet 5 of the 12 ideas in total that are expected to mature through the mentoring program and develop business ideas ready to market. INTECMED will select and award the 12 best prepared business plans (3 per country) with a total of 240,000 euros.

The project team, the participating innovative ideas and the audience, renewed their appointment for 26-28th of May 2022 where #PATRASIQ_2023 will take place in Patras, Greece, with the participation of 48 in total business ideas!

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