INVESTMED Final Subgrantee Event - collaboration for a stronger MSME ecosystem and the final pitch

The INVESTMED Final Regional Event event took place on the 28th and 29th November 2023, in Tunis, Tunisia, gathering the 40 beneficiaries of the project’s subgranting programme from Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon, along with experts in sustainable entrepreneurship, investors, and policymakers.

The INVESTMED project, co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020, launched a call in 2022 for sub-grants to provide support for new, sustainable business opportunities for young people and women in three countries: Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia. The call looked for innovative MSMEs, startups, and recently established enterprises implicated in the following sectors: Green economy, Blue economy, and Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI). 12 MSMEs were awarded the grant in Lebanon, 12 in Egypt, and 14 in Tunisia.

This event marked the end of the implementation of the subgrants, after a year of working on their businesses. It gathered the project beneficiaries in Tunisia with sessions to improve their pitching skills, discuss policy for the Southern Mediterranean, connect with entrepreneurs in the B2B session, and present their businesses to investors on the final day.