MEDWAYCAP Best Practices inventory: an open platform to consolidate knowledge on the management of non-conventional water


Non-conventional water (NCW) valorisation is a subject that has emerged today as the solution for adapting to water stress in general. Several solutions have been developed to meet specific challenges and are now being implemented throughout the Mediterranean and the world. This means that each one has only a part of the valorisation sought. 

The challenge is to exchange this knowledge, to structure it, to make it visible, available and easily exploitable and thus to constitute the state of the art, a view of what is possible and underline the best practices in order to capitalise and build a sound, consolidated and sustainable scheme towards this valorisation of the NCW.

We must focus on the need for effective participation between people and everyone to provide answers that will clarify the situation in the shortest possible time and with great precision. The perfect solution can only be produced by solidarity for the best result

In MEDWAYCAP, we aim to consolidate knowledge on the management of NCW in the Mediterranean region by setting an open platform for Best Practice (BP) inventory, where everyone can present their BP according to a predefined model that will allow classification and structuring. We consider that BP can be induced by new technical or technological solutions as well as implementation and management practices or behavioural change.  The BP inventory will be connected to the partner’s platforms and for a mutualisation of forces and a synergy between the contents.

BPs are techniques or methods which, through research, experience and practice, have proven to be more useful, reliable, sustainable, actionable and lead to more desired results/impacts than those obtained by other means


As first step, a NCW BP inventory/survey is developed to collect information on BPs implemented in various contexts. We have made the survey public, simple but effective and secure. The collected information will feed the BP inventory platform as second step. 

We invite you to share your best practices, it is an engaging task on your behalf that all the NCW community will strongly appreciate as we have to work together to make the change we would like to see. 

Networking, knowledge transfer and social learning! This is our goal! If it’s also your will, stay active and share your part of the solution for NCW valorisation - click here to view the form!



Today, decision-makers and final users are trying to select the best solution to meet a specific challenge in a given context and often find themselves powerless. The BP inventory platform proposes to facilitate this selection by offering the possibility to query the platform according to several criteria such as the type of NCW, the challenge considered, the context, the performance, the impacts, and others that you will discover when filling the form. This will link your BP to potential users and may lead to multiplication, adaptation and/or upscaling/outscaling for the greater benefit of NCW valorisation and users.

MEDWAYCAP project team remain at your disposal for any further information you wish to receive about the survey, BP inventory platform or the project. Email: