

“My Craft tells the story”: join the exhibition and closing ceremony of CROSSDEV’s latest training in Awaba, Jordan

Date/Time: Wednesday December 1st, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Location: Princess Basma Community Development Center in Aqaba (Jordan)

Creating handicrafts inspired by local traditions and using locally sourced materials can bring people together and make them aware of the history and heritage of a place.

Following this principle, the Royal Society for the Protection of the Marine Environment (JREDS), Jordan partner of the CROSSDEV project, has awarded a grant to the JOHUD Al Ayadi Women’s Center in Aqaba. There, a group of local women took part to the “My Craft Tells the Story project, during which they learnt to create crafts and small products to be sold in the center.

To showcase the results of such trainings and the beauties of the hand-made products, an exhibition will be held on December 1st in Aqaba. It will also be the occasion to award diplomas to the training’s participants.

See the full Agenda

Contacts and more info on JREDS website

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