NAWAMED: from Ferla, Italy to the future - Wall2Water's trailblazing role in Mediterranean sustainability


With our eyes on the future, the development of environmental sustainability in the Mediterranean region is a promising development. Thanks to the resounding success of the NAWAMED project, the green wall known as Wall2Water has become a symbol of innovation and environmental awareness. Its achievements have been so remarkable that it is now set to play a significant role in the newly launched CARDIMED project, which stands for "Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the MEDiterranean region".

This exciting development comes as no surprise given the tremendous success Wall2Water has achieved since its installation at the Istitituto Comprensivo Valle dell'Anapo in Ferla. Led by SVI.MED. Euromediterranean Centre for the Sustainable Development, NAWAMED and CARDIMED's partner, the green wall will continue to flourish under the watchful eye of IRIDRA, the NAWAMED's technical partner responsible for bringing the Wall2Water to life and with the support of the University of Catania, CARDIMED’s partner. CARDIMED is a flagship project funded by the Horizon Europe program, boasting a substantial budget of over EUR 20 million and a projected duration spanning almost five years. The coordination of this ambitious initiative has been entrusted to the capable hands of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), ensuring rigorous management and dedicated progress towards a sustainable Mediterranean future.

IRIDRA will coordinate the two demonstration sites in Sicily, one in Ferla, the Wall2Water and one to be installed in Catania (a rain garden).

The Ferla and Catania demonstration sites are among the nine Mediterranean sites selected for monitoring under the CARDIMED project. This ambitious project aims to demonstrate how nature-based solutions (NbS) can contribute to climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean region. It brings together more than 50 partners from 10 Mediterranean regions including Sicily.

Wall2Water's journey, from its inception as a NAWAMED pilot project to its current involvement in the CARDIMED initiative, exemplifies the potential of innovative, nature-based solutions. It shows how Nature based Solutions (Nbs) can actively contribute to improve the environmental resilience in the Mediterranean.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that Wall2Water will be awarded at ECOMONDO 2023, during an Italian competition for sustainable innovation and technology, adding to the recognition and prestige surrounding its achievements. This accolade reaffirms also at national level the pivotal role the Green Wall can play in revolutionising environmental practices and shaping a more sustainable future for Sicily and the wider Mediterranean region.

To better understand how Wall2Water works, watch the video where the Iridra professionals explain its functioning at this link and visit the webpage