NAWAMED: Technical field visits to the greywater treatment plants in Jordan


The University of Jordan (UJ) team in cooperation with the Engineering department and IRIDRA, the technical partner of NAWAMED, organized a technical field visit to the pilot sites of UJ and Jerash on Sunday 12 June 2022. 

For the installation of the green walls, a new site was chosen for the pilot plant in Jerash, a park managed by the Municipality of Jerash called “Zain Park”. The park was established and equipped with funding from Zain Jordan and the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation, as part of a series of projects on which the Greater Jerash Municipality is based, with the aim of improving the level of services provided.  













The park includes entertaining facilities, including a children's play area, and is covered with a free Wi-Fi network to serve visitors.

Furthermore, the park where the green wall will be installed for the treatment of grey water from the building inside the park to use for irrigation, welcomes many visitors from the surrounding neighborhoods during spring and summer time.

IRIDRA experts had the chance to discuss and propose a scheme for the recovery and treatment of greywater to be implemented in Jerash.





































The guiding principle of the meeting was the knowledge transfer on the innovative elements of the pilot, i.e., the green façade. IRIDRA discussed with the UJ team the proposed design and the walls on which the green façade could be installed at the Jerash site. They also had the opportunity to visit Jerash Greater Municipality and took a look at the layouts and the blueprints for the building inside the pilot site.


Furthermore, a training module for the construction company that will install the pilot at UJ was conducted at the University of Jordan. A presentation by Kathryn Rivai from IRIDRA was delivered to explain the design and layouts for the pilot plant at UJ. Representatives from the construction company had the opportunity to ask and discuss any issues or inquiries related to the innovative elements of the system.
















After that, a technical field visit to the UJ pilot site (Al Zahra’a dormitory) was organized to take a look at the on the area surrounding the building and further explain the issues related to the installation of the Nature Based solution.