ENSERES: supporting the management and sustainable development of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance


The objective of the call for sub-grant proposals is to involve local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the management and sustainable development in and around Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI), through the implementation of on-field activities, to ensure a more effective SPAMI management. The subgrants will be granted to Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in Tyre (Lebanon) area, represented in the project by the partners Tyre Coast Nature Reserve.

Potential beneficiaries

CSOs such as NGOs, fishermen associations, associations/orgnisations related to sustainable tourism.

Total available budget

20,000 €

Number of sub-grants and breakdown by country

2 (10,000€ each) subgrants for the pilot area of the Municipality of Tyre around the Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (SPAMI), Lebanon

Actions to be carried out with the sub-grants

-          Sustainable development and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) activities on urban areas or natural areas surrounding urban areas of Tyre Municipality (including Tyre Coast Nature Reserve SPAMI) focusing on sustainable tourism.

-          Sustainable development and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) activities on urban areas or natural areas surrounding urban areas of Tyre Municipality (including Tyre Coast Nature Reserve SPAMI) focusing on pollution prevention and management (especially marine litter).

Selection criteria and award procedure

Type of call: 
-    open call
Selection method: 
-    1) Eligibility test
-    2) Evaluation by evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria: 
-    Experience in the field: project(s) or action(s) carried out by the applicant in the requested theme
-    Relevance of the proposed action for the management of the SPAMI or the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) of the city region (relevance to the SPAMI or city priorities/ management plan, time planning, geographical area, coordination with local authorities, etc.)
-    Sustainability of the proposed action and respect of environmental and social responsibility such as the gender dimension or energy use
Type of jury: 
-    thematic experts from the ENSERES partner organisations


Dates to submit proposals from Tyre, Lebanon:

16th of December 2022 at 23:59 CET Time



Saba Guellouz, SPA/RAC, Project Officer, +216 71 947 162, saba.guellouz@spa-rac.org

