Palestine Polytechnic University highlights the value of the MED-QUAD project to the Ministry of Telecommunications


On the January 16, 2022, a promotion meeting was held at the Ministry of Telecommunications in Ramallah about the MED-QUAD project that is funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme. The project management team of the Palestine Polytechnic University presented the project’s aim and expected results to the Minister of Communication & Information Technology at the State of Palestine, Dr. Ishaq SIDER and his relevant assistants. The Minister appreciated the expected results of MED-QUAD project and promised to the visiting team full support and possible accesses to available resources for training and cooperation in the project workplan implementation.

During the meeting, the strategic framework of the ENI CBC Med programme was highlighted, mainly the priorities to face socio-economic and environmental challenges of the Mediterranean region, especially facing the challenges of youth unemployment and social inequality. The project team from Palestine took the opportunity to explain to the representatives of the Ministry of Telecommunications the approach of the  Quadruple Helix Approach i.e. the practical application of the "Quadruple Helix Approach" theory in the field of innovation and sustainable local development through the cooperation and interaction of the 4 key factors of innovation, namely universities / research centers, businesses, (local) administration and society. In addition, the working group explained the concept of "socially aware university" and strengthened collaborative relationships. The vision of the MED-QUAD project is to make universities "Socially Aware" and together with businesses and local governments, to fully meet their role as institutions, operating not just in the city/local community but "For" the city, that is, for the social benefit of the citizens. Therefore, to achieve this goal, it is necessary strengthening the cooperation between the university and the key institutions - such as the Ministry of Telecommunications.

The meeting was held with the presence of the Minister of Telecommunication, minister relevant assistants, local project manager, ARCHEO Lab scientific team representative, and associated partners representatives (the Governor Deputy and the Head of Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Municipality of Hebron).