A path across marvel and sustainability: in the Tunisian Kneiss Islands the Association for the Continuity of Generations will use the ENSERES subgrant to create a system out of the many environmental and economic resources of the Protected Area

©SPA/RAC, Hamed Mallat

A sustainable path that through the well-being of mind and body enhances the beauty and economy of a natural paradise: this is the soul of "Kneiss Shining", the project proposed by ACG (Association for the Continuity of Generations) which has been awarded one of the subgrants dedicated by ENSERES to the Kneiss Islands Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance in Tunisia.

All the places and activities that already characterize the peaceful, beautiful Tunisian islands will be put into a system, the cycling circuit, the trails dedicated to fishing, the scientific path, and the fields hosting sustainable agriculture. A work that comes from below, with the involvement of actors who have been operating in the area for a long time. Visitors, who will also be able to cross the route on brand new bicycles, will be guided by a series of signs indicating the most beautiful and significant spots. It will be easier to meet and interact with those who experience the extraordinary nature of the Kneiss Islands on a daily basis, to walk slowly around the places and learn about the activities that characterize the area, especially fishing and agriculture.

To support the novelty of the project there will also be a video and a parallel QR code guided path, that together with an Android application will reveal the secrets and opportunities of the place to the visitors. “We have been working in the Kneiss Islands since 2012, both to protect their biodiversity and to promote good ecotourism practices. We immediately thought that the opportunity represented by the ENSERES project and the funds provided by SPA/RAC should not be wasted. The circuit seemed to us the best way to combine the work carried out over a decade in a system. We believe that Kneiss Shining will consolidate, update and enrich the existing eco-touristic activities, creating development opportunities for the entire region and the local community”, explains Dr Sana Taktak, head of ACG.

The ACG was born in 2009 from the desire of the local community of Sfax, represented above all by the young generation and the women, to develop the economic, social and cultural fabric of the area. The association has always had the environment and continuity between generations at the center of its interests. Only a dialogue between present and past can make the future a solid and shared project. Many awareness-raising actions have been carried throughout the years for the promotion of civic and sustainable behaviors.

Thanks to ENSERES we hope to highlight the know-how of the local community, to trigger a virtuous circuit capable of creating new sources of income for the inhabitants”, says Taktak. “Kneiss Shining intervenes directly on the islands' economic present, trying to support all those who have seen their income drop due to the two-year block of traditional on-foot fishing. The extraordinary environmental value of our places has been, and will be, our wealth and culture”, she adds.