Register now – Webinar "The processes of capitalisation of results among Interreg Programmes in the Mediterranean area" on 27 January 2022


Information published on behalf of the Italian ENI CBC Med National Contact Point

The study developed at Italian level on the capitalization processes among the Interreg Programmes in the Mediterranean area is nearing completion. Carried out jointly in 2020 by the National Contact Points of the Interreg MED, ENI CBC MED and Interreg ADRION programmes, it was born out of the desire to promote the integration of resources, improve governance capacities and direct possible synergies towards the implementation phase of the 2021-27 European programming in relation to the new challenges, in particular the EU Green Deal.

The process had already seen an initial return of the analysis last July through four priority areas for the processes of capitalization and scaling up of the results obtained: Human Capital, Networking, Sustainability and Communication. A second step has involved the Interreg ADRION Programme, including in the analysis further projects that offered new points of reflection for the activation of even broader synergy processes.

The meeting will be held on line on 22 January 2022 from 9:30 to 13:00, and will provide an opportunity to examine the evolution of the concept of capitalization in Interreg 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programmes, and a discussion on three main issues:

  • the contribution of the projects and the role of the National Contact Points in the processes of capitalisation and integration of results at the Italian level;
  • the contribution of MED strategic projects to the processes of capitalization of results and the lessons learned from the Panoramed project;
  • the future period 2021-2027 through the guidelines for the coordination between Interreg Programmes in the Mediterranean area.

A representative of the ENI CBC Med Managing Authority will take part in the event and share the Programme experience in terms of capitalization of results and coordination perspectives with other Mediterranean programmes for the 2021-2027 period. 

For more information, to view the agenda and register please follow this link (in Italian).