[RESMYLE] Eco-entrepreneurship: do you know what it is?

Akil Mazumder - Pexels

Eco-entrepreneurship, or ecopreneurship, is a business behavior adopted by people who want to create a “green” business. In other words, it is a way to contribute to sustainable development while making profit.

The following video provides a story to explaining what is ecopreneurship:

Business with green values: why is it so attractive for young people?

Start-up entrepreneurs benefit of new opportunities such as getting the potential to create innovative transition for a more sustainable business paradigm, and have strong influences. Environmental friendly initiatives create positive corporate image, it provides a model for regulations ensuring the environment protection, there are less tax costs thanks to laws allowing the reduction of taxes for people who work in the environment improvement, and the number of trading partners’ collaboration increases. Business with green values is an attractive choice as it boosts the competitiveness and there are a lot more benefits for the sustainability of the business, people and the planet.

Be ready to overcome the barriers of ecopreneurship!

The major barriers of ecopreneurship are the lack of awareness by entrepreneurs on the potential market of eco-friendly business, the lack of willingness from business advisers to share information on ecological issues, and the lack of guidance and support on how to implement environmental standards. Fortunately, the understanding of eco-innovation could be improved by the providence of a better benchmarking.

A first step in benchmarking: do you know the existing different types of incubators?

An incubator is an organization aiming at supporting the creation of a business. It can be private, backed by a business or school, or public. In the latter case, it depends mostly on the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

Different types of incubators… For different types of ecopreneurs!

Firstly, there are the environment-conscious entrepreneurs, who are well aware of environmental issues, but not of the environmental marketplace. They tend to pursue business-centered opportunities which have an environmental dimension, and strive for eco-efficiency. Then, there are green entrepreneurs who are both aware of environmental issues and of the environmental marketplace. They pursue environmental-centered opportunities which show good profit prospects.

But ecopreneurs share common characteristics. They endeavor to develop healthy products by using natural ingredients, they implement healthy production processes by minimizing their consumption of resources and reducing environmental burdens, and they manifest healthy values.

What are the opportunities provided by RESMYLE?

RESMYLE aims to provide support for eco-innovators and pedagogical projects for young people. To achieve this goal, RESMYLE is going to develop 6 incubators in 5 countries: France, Italy, Jordania, Lebanon and Tunisia.

And you, what kind of support would you like to benefit from? What kind of project would you like to develop in this context?
Share your needs and wishes with us by sending an email to resmyle@mailo.com 

Follow us on our social networks to stay informed about the project and exchange with us!

RESMYLE is a project which aims to rethink the employment and social integration of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development.

To learn more, visit the ENICBCMED page on the project.



1.    https://www.pourleco.com/les-bases/le-dico-de-l-eco/incubateur
2.    https://www.compta-online.com/les-differents-types-incubateurs-ao2148
3.    https://issuu.com/the-machinery/docs/guide-des-incubateurs_2020
4.    Gunawan, A. (2012). Ecopreneurship Concept and its Barriers: A Literature Review. Poceeding Seminar Nasional Etika Bisnis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321769891_Ecopreneurship_Concept_and_its_Barriers_A_literature_Review
5.    Isaak, R. (2002). The Making of the Ecopreneur. Greener Management International, 38, 81. https://doi-org.ezproxy.kedgebs.com/10.9774/GLEAF.3062.2002.su.00009
6.    Kharrouby, A. & Levy-Tadjine, T. (2005). De la singularité de l’écopreneuriat dans les contextes français et libanais : quels enseignements pour le contexte algérien ? Premières Journées d’Economie de l’Environnement Alger. hal-00420098
7.    Kirkwood, J. and Walton, S. (2010). What motivates ecopreneurs to start businesses? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 204-228. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552551011042799
8.    Valery, T. (2015). Ecopreneurship : Rationale, current issues and future challenges. Researchgate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/36387113_Ecopreneurship_rationale_current_issues_and_futures_challenges