SOLE participates in the Green Revolution event - between mitigation and adaptation for an inclusive and equitable ecological transition


The SOLE project participates in the "Rivoluzione Verde (Green Revolution)" initiative, organized by ANCI Toscana, in collaboration with the project partner Agenzia Regionale Recupero Risorse, on 20 and 21 May 2021.

It will be an opportunity to discuss the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development promoted by the United Nations, which incorporates 17 sustainable development goals and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which looks at the ecological transition as a fundamental pillar for relaunching the economy in the European Union.

Green Revolution will be a virtual marathon to identify strategies, share innovative tools and ideas; it will be an opportunity to assess the challenges the society is called to face in order to reverse the course and arrive at a concrete ecological transition that takes into account, in a vision of sustainability, the essential link between human well-being and the health of natural systems. In doing so, various interconnected and fundamental areas will be touched, including the protection of natural resources, the spread of new production and consumption models coherently with the protection and sustainable use of the ecosystems, the waste reduction, the promotion of sustainable agriculture, the strengthening of green mobility networks and energy efficiency policies.

The SOLE project will be presented as part of this initiative, in the first of the two days of discussions and debates. The representatives of Anci Toscana, Elena Conti and the Regional Resource Recovery Agency, Roberto Bianco, will speak.

The event will be held in Italian. 

Here the Programme

Here the link to register