STAND Up!: ‘Ohoskin’ and ‘Moebeus’, two textile and fashion beneficiaries in Italy joining forces for boosting circular economy


Ohoskin and Moebeus are two start-ups and beneficiaries from STAND Up! project that have joined forces for boosting circular economy and increase awareness on sustainability in the textile and fashion sector. This effective collaboration emerged in 2021 from the Green Business Model Training, which was the first session of services delivered to eco-innovative ventures in the textile and clothing sector. These two start-ups were selected for the training and the implementation of the Green Business Model methodology among 40 entrepreneurs selected by the Prato Textile Museum , the Italian partner.

Both beneficiaries set up an interesting collaboration and came into contact interweaving their common interest to increase awareness on sustainability and circularity in fashion production and key concepts. They also promoted innovative artisan product with social and sustainable values.

On the one hand, Ohoskin is a Sicilian start-up that, through a circular economy process, transforms oranges and prickly pears into a new luxury, vegan and sustainable bio-based material made in Italy, as an alternative to leather, which is completely traceable and transparent. On the other hand, Moebeus is a Tuscan company which is committed to spreading the principles of circular economy, helping companies to integrate positive and regenerative business models using the so-called ‘Be-Circular’ tool. This collaboration is motivated by the 17th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) from the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which stands for “Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.

STAND Up! aims at supporting new business models and eco-entrepreneurship in the textile and clothing sector across the Mediterranean area. It also intends to reinforce the regional community of change-makers and innovators, facilitating cross-border integration and finding tested responses to social and economic sustainability challenges.

How did they collaborate and joined forces together?

First of all, Moebeus had the opportunity to validate the process launched by the bio-based material production by Ohoskin. They also could validate their technological tool developed in collaboration with the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Siena.

Besides, thanks to Moebeus Strategy Report, the Sicilian start-up Ohoskin could reformulate its mission, by including sustainability issues that had not previously explored in its communications. Therefore, Ohoskin could better frame both its activities and its identity within the SDG’s, making it easier to contextualize its commitment and scope.

More detailed, Moebeus report identified Ohoskin’s communication levers and its influence on each of the areas identified by the United Nations, which are: people, planet, partnership, peace, prosperity (the 5Ps). Ohoskin realized that they had never given enough consideration to the benefits that its business brings not only to the planet, but also to the people, improving the environment in which they live and also creating a fairer and more equitable economy for all.

What are the main conclusions?

Ohoskin has a clear vision to create a product that does not mortify the environment but which, at the same time, manages to combine its own economic growth. Through their business model, this start-up contributes to building an innovative, responsible and fair industrial cohesion.

On his side, Moebeus presented its methodology at the Ecomondo - Green Technology Expo, during the conference “New management options and assessment tools to accelerate the transition to the circular economy", presenting Ohoskin as a virtuous example and case study to validate the methodology.

It also resulted in the scientific publication "An integrated model for supporting aware decisions of companies in a circular and sustainable transition economy" in the Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management  journal.