A story of tradition and taste: discover ARTOLIO’s farmers Jean-Louis and Jean-Baptiste Moretti, from Corsica


Bringing innovation to a sector as traditional as the agricultural field is one of the main objectives of the ARTOLIO project, as it is for its participants. However, the richness of tradition is something that must be preserved and treasured, for it is tradition that gives unique flavor and personality to olive oil. Our farmers know this well, but some of them take it a step further, such is the case of Jean-Louis Moretti and his son Jean-Baptiste.

Jean-Louis’ family originates from the Corsica region (France) and they currently work two varieties of olives: the Ghjermana and the Sabina. His lands are located in northwestern Corsica, in Balagne, and have been in his family since the 16th century. It goes without saying that tradition runs in the family and that there is history yet to be told.

Following this line of reasoning, Jean-Louis’ son, Jean-Baptiste, decided to take on his father’s footsteps and hold onto the family business while merging it with his passion: cooking. His objective is to open up a restaurant in his family’s lands, right alongside the place where his family harvest the olives, thus fusing the traditional quality of his family’s history and the different cuisines he had been picking on after traveling throughout Europe. He intends to use the olive oil made from his own olives to cook his dishes and hopefully sell it in the future. 

However, until now, his family’s own production cannot cover enough olive oil to carry out this model of business. Part of the reason why they decided to join the ARTOLIO project was to modernize their means of production and ways of harvesting, such as the irrigation system and other installments needed to enhance the quantity of the crops. Jean-Baptiste strives for a business model where tradition meets modernization and good taste, while promoting the local economy of his area and the autochthonous products of the land. 

ARTOLIO and its many participants and beneficiaries believe in the importance of history and culture, in the merging of identities and how it contributes to the richness of flavor. Local economy and production must be supported to upgrade the quality of life and reduce the environmental strain of mass production. Jean-Baptiste’s idea was supported because through his cooking and family business, he conveys the same principles.