TECHLOG Project Shines at Regional Workshop: Pioneering Collaboration in Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Transport in the Mediterranean


The TECHLOG project, a groundbreaking initiative aiming to foster collaboration between academia and the transport industry in the Mediterranean region, made a significant impact at the recent "Regional Workshop in Artificial Intelligence - The 13th meeting of the Arab Committee for the Follow-up and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals 2023." The event took place on June 11-12, 2023, at the El Alamein Campus of TECHLOG project partner, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT).

With a strong commitment to sustainable development, AASTMT organized the regional workshop titled "Modern Trends in Artificial Intelligence in Supporting Sustainable Development in the Arab Region." Simultaneously, the 13th meeting of the Arab Committee for the Follow-up and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 was also held, emphasizing the integration of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable development practices.

The workshop was graced by the presence of distinguished individuals, including H.E. Ambassador Nada Al-Agizy, the Director of the Department of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation at the League of Arab States, and Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Bary, AASTMT Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research. Dr. Abdel Bary delivered a captivating speech on behalf of H.E. Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag, the esteemed President of AASTMT. The event attracted a multitude of participants, including AASTMT senior officials, delegations from various Arab countries, and representatives from Arab organizations.

During the workshop, the TECHLOG project team, led by the College of International Transport and Logistics (CITL-AASTMT), took center stage. They seized the opportunity to showcase the project's aims, objectives, and remarkable achievements. TECHLOG focuses on strengthening the bond between academia and the transport industry, particularly in the field of transport within port areas, in the Mediterranean region. The project is driven by a vision to foster joint Technology Transfer Initiatives (TTI) and establish common quality standards for specialized staff involved in transport and port operations.

Through the implementation of pilot actions in real port operators, TECHLOG aims to test and validate its TTI approach. The project prioritizes the well-being of port workers by reducing fatigue and stress, thereby enhancing their productivity and promoting eco-driving practices. By embracing cutting-edge technologies, TECHLOG paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient future in the transport industry.

The participation of TECHLOG at the workshop served as a testament to its significance in the realm of sustainable development and artificial intelligence. The project's dedication to fostering collaboration and achieving common quality standards will undoubtedly contribute to the transformation of the Mediterranean region's transport industry.

As the TECHLOG project progresses, it promises to revolutionize the transport and port sectors, leaving a lasting impact on the Mediterranean region's sustainable development goals. Through its innovative approach and commitment to technological advancements, TECHLOG is set to become a beacon of progress and a catalyst for change in the industry. The project's participation in the regional workshop demonstrates its unwavering determination to create a better future for transport, port operators, and port workers across the Mediterranean.