TRANSDAIRY ignites excitement and innovation at Riyeda Entrepreneurship Festival 2023


In February 2023, the TRANSDAIRY team attended the 10th edition of the Entrepreneurship Festival, Riyeda, held in Tunis, where leaders of the dairy industry supply chain came together to discuss the future of startups, innovation, and the business environment. The festival provided a great opportunity for Living Lab ESIM innovators to interact with industry pioneers, learn from their experiences, and get motivated by their success stories.

During the workshops, the team had an interesting discussion on the need to foster innovative ideas in the entrepreneurial space and how the industry can be strengthened by providing the right support, resources, and training to aspiring entrepreneurs. In the same perspective, the team also discussed the TRANSDAIRY project, financed under the framework of the ENI CBC MED program, which aims to revolutionize the supply chain of the dairy industry.

The TRANSDAIRY team explained the project in detail and received positive feedback from gathered entrepreneurs. Attendees were eager to learn more about the project and how it could benefit the industry. The team did an excellent job of outlining their plans for the project and how beneficiaries would receive the right support and resources, including access to the latest technology and techniques, to maximize their output and profits.


By the end of the meeting, all attendees agreed that the TRANSDAIRY project had the potential to be a game-changer for the dairy value chain industry and worth investing in. The event was incredibly inspiring and productive, and everyone left feeling excited and motivated to be part of something so unique and innovative. The TRANSDAIRY team's attendance at the festival demonstrates their commitment to the project's success and the dairy industry's development.