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TRANSDAIRY's brokerage event in Lebanon: Connect, Innovate, and Expand

As the world becomes more interconnected, cross-border partnerships and collaborations have become essential for businesses to thrive in today's global economy. Our Cross-Border Brokerage Event aims to facilitate meaningful connections between businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs from different countries, providing a unique opportunity to explore potential collaborations and expand your business horizons.

  • Save the date: 25-28 April 2023
  • Location: Sea side Arena, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Time: 3 - 9 PM

Why Should You Attend?

  • Networking Opportunities: Our event will bring together a diverse group of professionals in Dairy, Bio/Nanotechnologies & ICT applied to the DairyValue Chain from different countries. You will have ample opportunities to network, establish contacts, and build relationships with our beneficiaries.
  • Business Matchmaking: Our event will feature a structured business matchmaking session, where you can meet one-on-one with potential stakeholders based on your specific interests and business objectives. This will help you identify potential collaboration opportunities and explore mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Announcement of Exciting Opportunities: We have some exciting announcements to make during the event, including the announcement of voucher winners for co-patents, demonstrators, and spin-offs which will enable them to support the development of their project.

You wouldn't want to miss out on these exclusive announcements!

How to Participate?

To register for your e-badge, click here

For the full program, check the agenda with this link

We look forward to welcoming you at our event.

Save the date, register now, and mark your calendars for an exciting day of networking,

business matchmaking, and expert insights.

For any inquiries or more information, please contact:

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