On World Environment Day, Med4Waste renews its pledge to push for better Waste Management in the Mediterranean region


There has been growing awareness of the consequences of climate change in recent years and a desire to do something about them. World Environment Day (WED) – celebrated each year on the 5th of June – is one way in which Med4Waste shows its commitment to protecting the planet. This year's theme is “Only One Earth", highlighting living sustainably in harmony with nature.


With the population growth and consumption patterns changing, the amount of waste we produce is increasing at an alarming rate. Based on a World Bank report from 2016, it was estimated that 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste were generated globally – a number that is expected to increase to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050. This rapid growth in waste production has serious implications for our environment and our health, and it is imperative that we take action to address the issue.


One key area of focus for Med4Waste is promoting more sustainable patterns of consumption and production within the Mediterranean region. This includes working toward reducing food waste through initiatives such as awareness-raising campaigns targeting consumers, businesses and decision-makers. It also involves supporting investments in more environmentally friendly technologies and practices. And more importantly, advocating for sustainable policies globally. 


We need to do our part to protect our planet – on World Environment Day, let's pledge to reduce Waste!