Young Greek volunteer´s experience in GreenBuilding project


The Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Patras (Greece), project partner of GreenBuilding project, welcomed Panoraia in the GreenBuilding team in December 2022! Panoraia is an Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY). The IVY is an initiative promoting volunteering experiences within Interreg Programmes and Projects. As such, it is part of the European Commission’s European Solidarity Corps. Panoraia will finalise the 6-month experience in June 15, 2023! 

She enthusiastically participates in energy renovations of public buildings with the aim of using fewer natural resources and producing fewer harmful emissions. Through this experience, she became familiar with renovation processes and documented the best practices derived from GreenBuilding solutions. She also worked on energy monitoring procedures, thus providing a document with the latest technologies and proposing a suitable solution for GreenBuilding actions.

‟Through my participation in this project, I benefit from being able to gain invaluable experience in the world of hands-on outreach and community work. Volunteering with IVY enables the development of valuable skills and strong work habits, such as the ability to communicate effectively, take initiative, manage projects and build relationships. Also, IVY provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to make a positive impact on their communities while also expanding their own horizons.”

Click here to read the full article and Panoraia’s interview!

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