MEDSt@rts Analysis of the Mediterranean microfinance industry (abstract)

Project acronym:
Project title:
Med microfinance support system for start-ups
1.1 Start-ups and recently established enterprises
Title of deliverable:
MEDSt@rts Analysis of the Mediterranean microfinance industry (abstract)
Young entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean region encounter severe credit constraints and gathering enough money to start or scale up their enterprise is often impossible. The objective of MEDSt@rts project is to develop an innovative supporting model to facilitate access to funding for “non-bankable” people. MEDSt@rts partnership, as a preparatory activity to the design of a transnational network of microfinance, carried out an in-depth analysis of the state of the microfinance industry, at a local and national level. The organisations involved were SFIRS Spa in Italy, Chamber of Commerce of Achaia in Greece, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax in Tunisia, LEADERS in Palestine and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of South Lebanon in Lebanon.
Keep Keywords:
SME and entrepreneurship