MEDISS: first results from the awareness activities on sustainable water management

Michela Cordeddu, CRENoS

The MEDISS Facilitators Team met on skype conference call to evaluate the state of play  of  the actions under work package 5 "Awareness and Networking”. 

MEDISS Facilitators are conducting the Stakeholders Analysis in each project area, using methodologies and tools shared during the training sessions. They are examining stakeholders in particular as regards:

  • their capacity to influence the process/project;
  • the level of power and interest they hold;
  • their legitimacy in the local context;
  • dimension, representativeness, existing and potential resources, knowledge and specific skills, strategic position.

All the information are collected in a Stakeholder Profile Card that highlight three issues: 

  • Power: the ability to influence others and use resources to achieve goals. Resources may include economic wealth, political authority (an office, position or role recognized by an institution or by local customs), the ability to use force or threats of force, access to information (knowledge and skills) and the means to communicate
  • Interest: the gains and losses experienced as a result of an existing situation or proposed action. These gains and losses affect the various forms of power and uses of resources.
  • Legitimacy is when the rights and responsibilities of a stakeholder are recognized by other parties through law or local customs, and are exercised by the stakeholder involved with.

Within this framework, 3 macro categories of  stakeholders  will be identified: 

  • Key stakeholder: their role shows high interest and influence and they hold a relevant ability to intervene in the decision making process;
  • Desirable stakeholder: low interest high influence (opinion leader capable of influencing public opinion); 
  • Weak stakeholder: high interest but low influence. They are subjects that do not have the means to express their interest forcefully, they often coincide with project target.

Stakeholders Analysis represents the preliminary phase of the MEDISS Awareness Programme, along with target groups needs assessment for a specific training programme focused on water resources management and sustainability. 

The MEDISS Facilitators Team are now working on the Stakeholder Mapping activity, a process aimed at  clarifying  and deepening  the information on  stakeholders by drawing maps that summarize, for example, what the stakeholder groups are, which interests they represent, their power and legitimacy. 

Mapping stakeholders is also a visual exercise  that can be used to find out which stakeholders are most useful to engage with. Mapping allows to see where stakeholders stand when evaluated by the same key criteria and compared to each other and helps to  visualize the complex interaction of issues and relationships.


Mendelow (1991) suggests we analyse our stakeholder groups based on Power (the ability to influence our organisation strategy or project resources) and Interest (how interested they are in the organisation or project succeeding).  Remember, all stakeholders may seem to have lots of power or we hope they would have lots of interest, but relatively speaking, some stakeholders will hold more Power than others, and some stakeholders will have more Interest


The meeting was coordinated by Professor Aide Esu (University of Cagliari - CRENoS) - Senior facilitator of the MEDISS Project

The meeting was held on the 16th of July, 2020 and was attended by representatives of the Palestinian, Italian and Tunisian partners:

  • Carlo Perelli , University of Cagliari - CRENoS Partner Coordinator; 
  • Filippo Petrucci - University of Cagliari - CRENoS Facilitator Assistant; 
  • Saifeddin Eturki, Arid Regions Institute IRA, Regional direction of Gabes Project Coordinator: 
  • Amal Orabi, Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group PWEG Project General Coordinator; 
  • Sandi Dalbes Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group PWEG Communication Expert