الإندماج الإجتماعي: MoreThanAJob سيقدم 10 منح لدعم الخطط الإجتماعية المبتكرة

Photo © UN Women/Christopher Herwig

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

The MoreThanAJob will be launching a competition to offer 10 funded grants for the development of innovative social schemes (2 per partner country, i.e. Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, and Italy). The grant size will be 20,000 euros per proposal.

Open calls for sub-grants will be launched, to support 10 Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) entities that will present the best work plans for the implementation of social services schemes, based on the best practices already selected.

The consortium will publish one open call that will grant 20 k€ to each of the 10 best SSE actor proposals that will aim at the implementation of the MoreThanAJob framework in the target region. All private enterprises that qualify as SSE actors are eligible for applying. The proposals’ submission will take place electronically.

The MoreThanAJob project is a 3-year project financed by the European Union’s ENI CBC Med Programme, implemented from September 2019 to August 2022, in Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, and Italy by a consortium of 7 organizations.

MoreThanAJob aims at enhancing new cooperation mechanisms between the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors and the public administration in order to co-design, develop and implement services to foster the social and labor inclusion of vulnerable groups.

The developed framework of new social pilot schemes as well as the developed policy brief and suggestions will lead to the development of innovative social schemes and will also improve the planning of policies adapted to the needs of the target groups: unemployed people, focusing on vulnerable groups (uneducated and newly arrived migrants/refugees.

Terms of Reference:
A Terms of Reference (ToR) document will be launched within the next couple of months, as soon as the COVID-19 confinement is relaxed. Applicants will be invited to submit an application using a sub-grant Application form. The ToR will include detailed information regarding (1) the financial allocation (2) eligibility criteria, (3) the application procedure, (4) the evaluation procedure, and (5) the timeline for grant allocation and project completion. The ToR will also include the already developed “MoreThanAJob Framework” and the best practices already selected by project partners.

Soon will be a training session for SSE actors participants to provide them with knowledge and competencies to develop proposals for the subgrants.

The call will open from March, till May 2021.

Expected timeframe:
Depending on the duration of COVID-19 restrictions, the indicative timeframe between the award of grant and finalization of the proposal and submission is approximately 6 months. This will be confirmed or modified in the Terms of Reference.

What to do now?
We are launching this pre-announcement to allow teams to get prepared for the official call for proposals. Until that time, it is recommended that teams take advantage of the lead time by brainstorming ideas of proposals that will aim at the implementation of the MoreThanAJob framework in the target region.

For inquiries, please contact:

Mrs. Fadia Hashaika – An-Najah National University
Project Communication Manager 
Nablus-West Bank 
Tel: 0097092345113 

Please, visit the MoreThanAJob webpage on the ENI CBC MED website, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.