النشرة الإخبارية 5 لمشروع LIVINGAGRO تتناول أهمية الربط الشبكي والرسملة للزراعة الحرجية المتوسطية


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

In this fifth edition capitalization activities-related news and a focus on a research which could represent the basis for developing innovations within Living Lab 1 by our Jordan partner National Agricultural Research Center (NARC, project partner 2) !

The Newsletter highlights as following:

  • LIVINGAGRO CAPITALIZATION I – Building on ENPI CBC Med legacy: LIVINGAGRO and NETKITE met towards the establishment of practical and effective synergies
  • LIVINGAGRO CAPITALIZATION II - Webinar highlights importance of research and innovation for management of silvopastoral systems in the Mediterranean
  • LIVINGAGRO CAPITALIZATION III - SCIENCE TO LAW: LIVINGAGRO meets the Jean Monnet “RIGHTS & SCIENCE” Excellence Centre of the Perugia University for establishing an effective theme-related partnership
  • Research as a basis for developing innovations concerning Living Lab 1 (olive multifunctional systems) - Phylogenetic analysis revealed Jordan as one of the centers of origin for olive trees’ cultivation throughout ages


Read the newsletter at the following LINK